About I-Teco
Our main lines of business are: design and construction of IT and engineering infrastructures, consulting and software development, integrated security, IT outsourcing, and acceleration of startups.
I-Teco is a TOP-5 IT company in Russia. We are on the list of systemically important companies of Russia
The I-Teco Group brings together the best expertise and develops disruptive technologies like big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, unifiied communications, development of custom software, blockchain, construction with the use of building information management (BIM), 5G networks, and startups accelerators. Our portfolio is composed of more than 20 products developed in-house on the basis of our technology stack.
I-teco has been operating in the IT market since 1997, showing high results throughout its existence. The Group's revenue made 30,89 Bn rubles in 2022.
We create value for business through innovation, supported by trust, experience and professionalism
Our team
We handpicked a close-knit team of professionals with passion for technology and continue to foster new talants
The I-Teco Group bring together over 3,000 professionals and our headcount grows every year. More than 2,900 certificates of Russian and international vendors confirm deep expertise of our engineers.
We highly value our impeccable business reputation, trust of our clients, respect of the professional community, and employee loyalty that we deserve.
We have in-depth understaniding of everything connected with technology. Combining our own products and solutions of our partners, I-Teco is capable to help our clients perform digital transformation.
Technology expertise, reliable partnership with key Russian vendors, track record of successful projects, and deep understanding ICT market trends help I-Teco maintain our leadership positions and financial viability in all of our history.
I-Teco does not only watch closely IT market trends but also creates our own trends to address the business needs of our clients in the digital era.
I-Teco successfully delivers projects in the field of IT and engineering infrastructures, consulting and soaftware development, integrated security, IT outsourcing, and startups acceleration
For years of work, I-Teco received numerous awards and diplomas.
Granted awards are the outcome of the high standard of the I-Teco complex solutions and the professionalism of our team.
Various rankings of Russian and international analysts confirm
I-Teco's leadership positions in the Russian IT market.
In 2020, I-Teco was included in the list of systemically important organizations of the Russian economy in the field of information and communication
Russian IT companies
RAEX/Expert RА, 2020 -
Suppliers of IT services in Russia
RAEX/Expert RА, 2020 -
Largest commercial data centers of Russia
CNews, 2020 -
Suppliers of IT outsourcing services
TAdviser, 2020 -
Largest Russian systems integrators in building IT-infrastructures
CNews, 2019 -
IT suppliers for fuel and energy sector
TAdviser, 2020 -
Suppliers of import substitution solutions in Russia
CNews, TAdviser, 2021
Suppliers of artificial intelligence solutions
CNews, 2020 -
IaaS solutions providers
CNews, 2019 -
Systems integrators in the field of data protection
CNews, 2020 -
Suppliers of IT services for banks
TAdviser, 2020 -
Suppliers of IT services for manufacturing
CNews, 2020
Largest companies of Russia
RAEX, 2020

Global reach
I-Teco delivers projects in all regions of Russia. We have a wide branch network in Russia and the CIS.
I-Teco has all necessary licenses and certificates to work with special requirements for applied solutions and contractors. The company is entitled to work within the projects relied to contain classified information that constitutes state secret, development of means of information protection, development, production and maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) tools, as well as required licenses of the Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC) of Russia.
Quality assurance
I-Teco quality management system is certified as complying with GOST R ISO 9001-2015; service management system — with GOST R ISO/IEC 20000-1-2013; information security management system — with ISO/IEC 27001:2013. I-Teco has the statuses of a contractor of the Government of Moscow and a reliable provider of the trading portal fabrikant.ru. "Made in I-Teco" means guaranteed quality!
I-Teco holds the lead positions in the market owing to high quality of services anmanagement decisions. I-Teco quality assurance policy as part of the company's strategy sets out the ground for working and improving of the quality assurance system.
Information assets of every business need proper protection, and information security policy of JSC I-Teco is a founding document of the company. Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy of JSC I-Teco defines compliance with personal data legislation, privacy, and safety.
In the sphere of occupational safety we give proirity to preserving life and health of our employees before results of business activities. This proirity is listed in the Occupational Health and Safety Policy of of JSC I-Teco. We value our reputation of a responsible company providing for the environmental safety and this approach is documented in the Ecology Policy of JSC I-Teco.
Special assessment of working conditions
In accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 426-FZ of Dec 28, 2013 "About special assessment of working conditions" of the Russian Federation,
JSC I-Teco publishes consolidated report of the results of the special assessment in the part concerning the determination of classes (subclasses) of workplaces and the list of measures for improving working environment. The report was approved on Dec 23, 2019. According to the report, special assessment was given to 400 workplaces.
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Social responsibilityCharity and socially important inititiaves are a significant part of our work. I-Teco contributes to the development of the national education system and creates new job openings in the regions of Russia. We use our knowledge and experience to develop non-profit, vital to society solutions, and organize charitable programs and events.
Our social and charitable projects: